Thursday, April 2, 2009

blog #5: ch. 22 Baroque Art & fairytales

Aurora by Guido Reni
Ceiling of the Garden House, Palazzo Rospigliosi-Palavacini, Rome 1613-14, Fresco
"The composition itself, however, is Baroque classicism at its most lyrical. Framed by self-emanating golden light, Apollo, escorted by Cupid and the Season, drives the sun chariot. Ahead, the flying figure of Aurora, goddes of the dawn, leads Apollo's horses at a sharp diagonal over a dramatic Venetian sky. ..... But the graceful figures, the harmonious rhythms of gesture and drapery, and the intense color are Reni's own, demonstrating his close study of models and his skillful combination of the real and ideal." pg. 761
My blog doesn't show the goddess Aurora (who is on the upper right hand side), but if you click on the picture, it will enlarge and reveal her.
When I first saw this painting, I thought the colors were so dreamy! The way the sunglow bursts out from the clouds, adding to a warm halo backdrop. To me, it evokes a sense of surreal magic and ethereal airyness. The movement, of the characters themselves and the flow of their clothing (with the evident gushes of wind) is both grounded yet elegant and light. -which I think the art of dance gets across- like glad I'm taking beg. ballet this semester :)
Reading the passage, although the chariot is not clearly visible, it reminded me of the song: Chariot by Gavin Degraw
& if you've never heard the song, or just want to hear it again:
Hearing the song after it came out, I thought: Why a chariot? But it's probably metaphorical...the chariot could represent a girl possibly?? Or it could go back to Plato's way of thinking. The whole rational & emotional brain. Control. How emotions can be like horses, implulsive and wild, while rationality/reason is the driver..the one in charge of the reins.
Also after pondering on this painting a little, it made me think wayyy back to my childhood... where fairies, fairytales and all that make-believe have roamed through my mind as they did to most little girls growing up reading children books and having the magical-happily-ever-after kingdom, stereotypical girl stories SOOO reinforced in my mind. (I think I shall change that with my future daughter...haha)
Growing up, being an older sister with an overactive imagination, & sharing a room with my younger sister who used to always ask me to tell her a bedtime story, I used to make up my own stories... usually tying in a fairy, a princess, or sometimes even an alien (not the lil green figures, but normal humans who actually were born from a different planet)
I know! I might have watched a little bit too much TV or movies as a child.
I guess I got carried away, for I was a bit like Wendy in Peter Pan going on about Neverland.
This place, that my older sister and I have made up, was called Fairyland.
& you could only visit this other night. You'd be sleeping & these fairies would come and knock on your window. One fairy would then take out her/his hand & escort you onto the Chariot! you could ride in the back if you wish, or even upon the Unicorns & take lead. I would always want to ride upon an unicorn.
& we would drift off into the clouds into some magical land far off into the sky
yeahh...i had quite the imagination as a little girl... not soo much anymore

I can see various influences to where I might have gotten the whole "Fairyland" from...
Peter Pan, Twelve Dancing Princesses (children's storybook w/ gorgeous, decadent illustrations..depending on the version) didn't know about it back then..but another reference to Harry Potter (the whole flying aspect & a person knocking on your window) & probably any animated film that included fairies or unicorns

(the alien part of influences...E.T., Sailor Moon, & possibly this one Disney channel movie where the step sister is an alien...something about bubbles & a hair dryer)
With all my entries about Disney princess, fairies, & unicorns, one must think I'm this dreamy, naive girl, with my head always up in lala land. But I'm nott! =P
Although I'll admit I can be quite the sunshine, optimistic girl.... I take the world for what it is, & not how I wish it to be. (well maybe sometimes...rarely. I'll defend my optimistic view on life) i just happen to relate these myth-like themes to art history often.
I think I get enough reality checks every now & then. (often times, MORE than enough)
hope this entry was somewhat nostalgic...& made you, with your inner kindered spirit revealed, reflect upon your own childhood & imaginative scenarios :)
xox Diana Nguyen

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