Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blog #1: 3 pictures that represent me

Hi, I'm Diana...Welcome to my blog! :)

This is my 2nd art class with Cynthia Reiss. i took art 1a during January, winter 09 & am on to continue the journey through art history with art 1b. It's ironic that i'm taking an online class, for my dad hates for me to be online so i sneak my laptop upstairs, haha

I feel like I can relate to Juliet in the photograph above in the classic film Romeo & Juliet. This is NOT because I fall easily crazy, helplessly head over heels in love, far from it actually, but with how she looks here. Sorry guys, No.. I don't have major clevage. :p

I don't resemble anything like her besides the dark hair & pale skin... but how her eyes glaze up to the sky, daydreaming off into the distance and she positions her chin onto her hand, it reminds me of myself. I, like juliet, love having a balcony! When the weather isn't freezing or my neighbor isn't out smoking, I love to lean upon it, take in the breeze and enjoy the view. (not much of a direct front view, but the far off sides are great)

Part of me, is my dreamy side. It's the side of me that smiles over small things, melts when watching movies and feels heartbreak when others are.
I can be quite the romantic, DEF a dreamer, and like juliet in this photo, somewhat innocent. At least that's what people tell me...well..for a girl of 19 that is.

Many of you girls may have probably already seen this.

It's the Vera Wang Princess perfume advertisement! (Found in many magazines) When I first saw this, I S2ed it! I love the juxtaposition of Camilla Belle swinging on a tree branch (a very tomboy 'unladylike' thing to do) yet wearing a stunning dress and princess crown! It spoke very true: Born to rule. Which is the message girls should be getting. I love the idea of swinging on chandeliers. My more realistic version would be jumping on beds. monkey bars just doesn't do it. I think this picture brings out my playful, whimsical, carefree side. It's the unconventional, break of the norm actions that one takes part in, that makes you who you are.

& though I've never swung on chandeliers upon tree branches in a gorgeous gown only lucky girls get the chance to own, if there was ever a possibilty the dress miraculously appeared with stable chandeliers upon an extraordinary tree, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

This abstract figure (illustration or painting) of Geogia O'Keefe's Red Canna flower (which i saw in the art 1a txtbk) i think, does a wonderful representation of a Red Canna flower. This abstraction (transformation of visible forms into patterns that suggest the original form) of the Red Canna isn't so non-representational (artistic representation so abstracted that it is removed from natural world appearance) that you can't tell it's a flower, but the petals are exaggerated and color intensified! The content (substance of an art work) of O'Keefe's Red Canna didn't aim at perfection. O'Keefe's idealized (representation of an object as the artist thinks it should be rather than it appears in nature) paintings, were conveyed in a personal sense.. through the way she saw the beauty of nature and not in a typical 'ideal' of having a classical (synonym for perfection) style. (form & content) Though I'm not exactly a patron (person or group who commisions or supports a work of art) of O'keefe's, she did a truly wonderful job on portraying feeling and flow to exude from this painting.

Though I love and appriciate cool colors, (I often wear them blue is my favorite!) I find myself as more of a warm hued girl..& this painting def exudes the warm fiery colors just blooming out. When I first saw this painting, many things I love came to mind: fashion (flow of summer silky dresses), sunset, volcanoes, the grand canyon (which i've never been to) has a sensuous vibe that strikes out. & the openess of the bloom represents me being very open. I'm also very open-minded, I try to give everything a chance..they don't all always work out, but it's worth trying. I like to think I'm a passionate person, which the reds display.. the yellows- sunshine, glowing, happy, part of my personality, and the cooler lavender petal strips portray the calm (i'm pratically always calm) and subtle side of me.
When it comes to abstract art line, movement & color, I'm much more of a flowy, fade in, out, & meld together kind of girl...rather than edgy, geometrical, straight lines, black & white. I don't see everything in black & white...there's depth, different colors, & everything in between.

*xox Diana :)

PS: looking foward to reading your blogs


  1. Well, first I want to say that I've already taken that English class with the emphasis on fantasy haha :). I took it last semester as my 1B class, but thanks for letting me know there was one anyway! When I saw the first picture, I was like Juliet! I have that movie on DVD along with the newer version with Leonardo DeCaprio. I'm not a huge Shakespeare fan, but I like Romeo and Juliet. I agree with the daydreaming! It's a great pastime haha.
    I have never actually seen that picture for Vera Wang but hanging on a chandelier does sound like fun, as long as it doesn't break :).
    I like how you looked at the colors in the third picture and connected them to your personality like how red meant passionate. Good job chicky,

  2. I love paintings with a lot of symbolism within them, and I really liked your comparison to Harry Potter and the tapestry with the unicorn. I think its interesting how the story of the unicorn is usually looked at as a magical creature, but can mean something completely opposite in a different work of art.

  3. Hi Diana! I really enjoyed reading your blog. You are a funny girl! (I even read a few things out loud to my roommate here.) My roommate is a big Georgia O'Keefe fan... I am not, but I do really like the colors in the one you've chosen. Are you an Interior Design major?
